Autodromo Nazionale Monza SIAS SpA
Since the date of its construction , the Autodromo Nazionale Monza has been managed by Autodromo Nazionale Monza Società Incremento Automobilismo e Sport SIAS SpA , a company federated with the Automobile Club of Italy. The foundation of SIAS took place with a large participation of organizations, banks, industries and sports. Currently, the shareholders are the Automobile Club of Italy (90%) and the Automobile Club Milano (10%).
Company data
Autodromo Nazionale Monza SIAS S.p.A.
Certificato ISO 14001 per la tutela dell’ambiente dal 27 luglio 1998
Registered office
Corso Venezia, 43, 20121 Milano
Administrative headquarters
Via Vedano 5 – 20900 Monza
Telefono: +39 039 24821
Fax: +39 039 320324
Indirizzo e-mail: Specifico per ogni settore
Sito web: www.monzanet.it
Board of Directors
Chairman of
Giuseppe Redaelli (nominato il 5/5/17)
the Councilors
Giuseppina Fusco (nominato 5/5/17)
Enrico Radaelli (nominato 5/5/17)
Maria Cristina Pagliara (nominato 29/08/17)
Alberto Dossi (nominato 29/08/17)
Board of Statutory Auditors
Nominati il 23/5/16, in carica per 3 esercizi.
Beniamino Lo Presti
Daniela Zucaro
Guido Del Bue (nominato 5/5/2017)
Alternate auditors
Stefania Bettoni
Manuel Bulasacchi Gonzales
Board of Directors from 16/3/2015 to 27/4/2016
- Andrea Piero Dell’Orto – Presidente
- Ivan Franco Capelli – Consigliere
- Massimo Ciceri – Consigliere
- Alessandra Antonella Marzari – Consigliere
- Enrico Redaelli – Consigliere
Collegio sindacale: Beniamino Lo Presti – Presidente (nominato 24/11/14), Giuliano Vergani (nominato 26/6/13), Giovanna Villa (nominato 24/11/14), Vincenzo Villa – supplente (nominato 26/6/13), Marzia Ciravegna – supplente (nominato 13/1/15).
Board of Directors from 27/4/2016 to 5/5/2017
- Piero Lorenzo Zanchi - Presidente (nominato 27/4/16)
- Paolo Longoni - Consigliere (nominato 27/4/16);
- Maddalena Valli - Consigliere (nominato 27/4/16);
- Alfredo Scala - Consigliere (nominato 27/4/16);
- Alessandra Marzari - Consigliere (nominato 29/7/16)
- Collegio Sindacale (nominati il 23/5/16, in carica per 3 esercizi): Beniamino Lo Presti – Presidente, Giovanni Rovetta, Daniela Zucaro, Stefania Bettoni - supplente, Manuel Bulasacchi Gonzales - supplente.









The Automobile Club of Italy (ACI) originates from the constitution, in 1898, of the Automobile Club of Turin. The following year the Turin club took on the name of the Automobile Club of Italy. In February 1904, the Italian Automobile Union (UAI) was born in a conference held in Turin. On January 25, 1905, the national body called the Automobile Club of Italy was finally established with headquarters in Turin.
The ACI was erected into a non- profit organization with Royal Decree 11/14/1926, n. 2481, and its headquarters moved to Rome in 1928 when it changed its name to the Royal Automobile Club of Italy. The Italian Sports Automobile Federation (FASI) took care of the more specifically sporting part, until the war. Following the constitution of the Republic, it took up the ancient term of the Automobile Club of Italy. The sporting activities in its sphere are now delegated to the Italian Automobile Sports Commission (CSAI). Federation listed in Law 16.2.1942, n. 426 (as FASI).
ACI – Automobile Club Italia holds 90% of the shares of SIAS SpA

The Automobile Club Milano was founded on June 3, 1903 by a group of car pioneers to promote the fundamental needs of the new and revolutionary means of transport that appeared in the last years of the nineteenth century. Since then it has developed its business on three main lines: protection of the motorist, provision of services and assistance, organization of car races.
Always present and active in the multiple aspects of mobility, it contributes to spreading a car culture in line with the principles of environmental protection and sustainable development , safety and enhancement of the territory .
Over the years, millions of motorists have joined and, with more than 50,000 members , today the Automobile Club Milano is one of the largest associations in the province.
In addition to the services provided to motorists, motorcyclists and transporters and to companies in the sectors of automotive practices and taxes, legal advice and roadside assistance, AC Milan promotes numerous awareness initiatives on the topics of mobility and road safety, it organizes training courses for traffic education teachers in schools and safe driving courses for motorists, and puts forward proposals to improve traffic conditions also in collaboration with public administrations and private bodies.
In 1988, ACI Milan founded, together with the Chamber of Commerce, the Unione del Commercio and the four Milanese universities, the MeglioMilano association which has the task of studying proposals and implementing initiatives to improve the quality of life in the city .
As for sport, AC Milan boasts an ancient and glorious tradition. In addition to being among the first promoters of motor racing , in 1922 he built – and has managed since then – the Monza Eni Circuit .
The Automobile Club Milano is administered by the Board of Directors elected by the members and avails itself of the advice of experts in the various sectors of motoring who form the Legal, Sports, Technical, Traffic and Transport Commissions. In addition to the headquarters in Corso Venezia 43, AC Milan provides services and collects associations in the offices in the area. Registered office: Corso Venezia 43 – 20121 Milan | Switchboard: +39 02 77451 – Fax: +39 02 781844 | PEC address :autoeclubmilano@pec.aci.it | www.milano.aci.it | follow us on Facebook
In addition to the headquarters in Corso Venezia 43, AC Milan provides services and collects associations in the offices in the area.
Registered office: Corso Venezia 43 – 20121 Milan | Switchboard: +39 02 77451 – Fax: +39 02 781844 | PEC address :autoeclubmilano@pec.aci.it | www.milano.aci.it | follow us on Facebook